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Mineral County FFA Students
Every year, the students of Mineral County's FFA program participate in the annual West Virginia Ham Bacon & Egg Show and Sale, which allows them to raise their own hogs and chickens to produce ham, bacon, other pork products and eggs, then sell them after judging. Because Mineral County Technical Center has an in-school WV Department of Agriculture inspected meat processing and production facility, students can continue the process to cure and smoke their own individually raised meat products, which takes three weeks of curing, to make ham and bacon; they can also create products like sausage for sale.
Their meat products are sold through the annual Ham Bacon Egg auction, which provides income to the local FFA program and each student. The auction has been held live in person in the past, but has been online due to the pandemic lately.
But you can also get ahold of their delicious breakfast sausage through a Potomac Highlands Producers monthly box once a year in February.
Read more about the Mineral Co FFA Ham Bacon Egg Program here.
How to Buy: To buy products from this year's Ham Bacon Egg program, this year's auction will be in March on line - link to be posted soon. Or contact Carol Webb, ag educator at the Mineral County Technical Center, at or 304-788-4240. Additional pork breakfast sausage may be available for purchase through her.
Products Produced: Ham, bacon, eggs, pork sausage
Farming Location: Mineral County, WV
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