Place your order now for the monthly value-added food box for $50.
Moorefield Pick-Up
December 9-10
Potomac Highlands Producers: Eastern Drive, Suite 113, Moorefield, WV, 26836 from
12 - 5 p.m.
Tucker County Pick-Up
December 10
St. George Canaan Valley Clinic at 4 p.m.
St. George Parsons Pharmacy at 4:45 p.m.
St George Clinic in St. George at 5:15 p.m.
Unique pick-up times can be arranged. Thank you for supporting local farmers!
To guarantee your box, pre-pay and order by monthly due date. Limited quantities will be available on a walk in basis. Although we plan on having the exact items described in every box, we reserve the right to offer a comparable substitution based on price and quantity of original item. All boxes must be picked up in the timeframe described and cannot be substituted for another month. They must be picked up at the Potomac Highlands Producers Co-op at 316 Eastern Drive, Suite 113, Moorefield, WV, 26836, unless otherwise noted. Cancellations of your order may be made by the 20th of the month preceding the box month. After that date, no refunds are provided and order cannot be changed to a different month.
For questions about your order, contact Trish Halterman, Potomac Highlands Producers, at 304 851-6454 or