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Bits n Pieces Farm
Billy and Coulby McDonald operate a small farm located in Wardensville that progressed from hobby farm to growing produce and free-range chicken eggs for our road-side stand three years ago. They have been welcomed by their community with open arms and in 2022 they will be opening Bits-N-Pieces Farm Market located in the center of town.
In addition to produce, eggs, and jams they will offer farm-to-table breakfast options, home-made baked goods, and soft-serve ice cream. Their ambition to provide their community with affordable, locally grown foods drives them to continue learning and expand our farm.
Products Produced: Produce, eggs and jams
Store Location: 2444 SR 259 North, Wardensville, Hardy County, WV
How to Buy: Visit their farm stand in season in Wardensville, or Facebook messenger.
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